WEA Secretary General is shocked by celebrations of the killing of Jews
Schirrmacher stated, that as part of the people and country responsible for the Holocaust he is shocked to see people in Berlin celebrating the killing of Jews.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Schirrmacher stated, that as part of the people and country responsible for the Holocaust he is shocked to see people in Berlin celebrating the killing of Jews.
Amnesty International (AI) hat einen Bericht vorgelegt, wie die Hamas unter dem Deckmantel des Krieges schwere Verbrechen – insbesondere Mord durch Folter – an Palästinensern beging, diese aber als Folge israelischer Angriffe verschleierte (‘Strangling Necks’: […]
During its last conflict with Israel, Hamas fired Iranian mid-range missiles numerous times at the Israeli Dimona nuclear reactor 80 kilometers southeast of Gaza in the Negev Desert. A number of missiles just missed the nuclear reactor, while others were intercepted by the Iron Dome Anyone else who perpetrated such madness would encounter the outrage of the entire civilized world, regardless of whatever wrong preceded it. Not so with Hamas.