The history and development of Islam in Germany
WEA Islamic Relations Coordinator gives seminar at Bibellesebund
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WEA Islamic Relations Coordinator gives seminar at Bibellesebund
The Islamic Relations Coordinator of the WEA, Dr. Esther Schirrmacher, held an introductory seminar on Islam at Martin Bucer Seminary in Tirana.
During an Interreligious reception in the British Embassy in Rome, Schirrmacher, discussed religious freedom matters with His Eminence Ayatollah Prof. Seyed Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad and with Ayatollah Sayyid Fadhel Al-Milani
The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) discusses with the Grand Sheikh of the Al-Azhar University in the Vatican
Dr. Esther Schirrmacher (WEA Islamic Relations Coordinator) lectured on “Christianity and Islam - a comparison” at the Bibellesebund (BLB).
Charting a New Direction of Christian-Muslim Relations
Leading figures in the world’s largest Muslim organization and the world’s largest Evangelical Christian organization announced today that they are undertaking an ambitious joint effort to reshape how the world thinks about religion and to counter two threats to religious freedom and to society more broadly: religious extremism and secular extremism.