Schirrmacher talks with the President of Korea, the Joint Chief of staff and with the Commanding General of the 8th US army about a peaceful reunification
Interviews with Thomas Schirrmacher
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Interviews with Thomas Schirrmacher
Thomas Schirrmacher has called on churches in Asia to send more Asian missionaries to Europe. He spoke in front of an audience of millions. His speech at Yoido Full Gospel Church is now available in Korean.
An internationally well known European theologian and church leader has called upon the churches in Asia, to send more missionaries to Europe.
(Bonn Profiles News 35/2012 – No. 229) Since the 2013 annual meeting of the World Council of Churches and the 2014 General Assembly of the World Evangelical Alliance will take place in South Korea, Korea’s […]
Eine kürzere Fassung dieser Rezension wird in „Evangelikale Missiologie“ 27 (2011), Heft 2 erscheinen. Klaus Koschorke, Falling walls – the year 1989/90 as a turning point in the history of world Christianity / Einstürzende Mauern […]