WEA calls for a decade of world mission
“2033” – The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins call to global church for a decade of Great Commission Effort
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
“2033” – The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins call to global church for a decade of Great Commission Effort
ARTICLE Thoughts on the relationship of theology, missiology and mission, presented by the chair of the Theological Commission of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Thomas Schirrmacher, to the General Assembly of the Missions Commission of the WEA at Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany, November 2011.
A Mennonite and Evangelical visionary thinker and bridge builder – Obituary by Thomas Schirrmacher
I just received an English translation of my oldest article on Romans from 1999, which later grew into large studies.
Much of what I have stand for or defend, e.g. in my book ‘Missio Dei’, has increasingly been labeled “missional” over the past ten years or so in place of the older term “missionary.” That is not completely coincidental, since in the case of almost all advocates of the expression “missional church” the names Lesslie Newbigin and David Bosch are mentioned as the sources of inspiration and the representatives of the term’s use. Both individuals were closely allied with the term missio Dei.
The important term Missio Dei (Mission of God) needs a biblical foundation. The sending of God by God is a foundational motive in the New Testament. Even at the very beginning of salvation history, shortly after creation, God became the first missionary.