WEA calls for a decade of world mission
“2033” – The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins call to global church for a decade of Great Commission Effort
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
“2033” – The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins call to global church for a decade of Great Commission Effort
Thomas Schirrmacher, Rector of the Martin Bucer Seminary, in an address before the 200 delegates at the general assembly of the Swiss Pentecostal Mission (Schweizerische Pfingstmission, or SPM) at the Christian Center Buchegg, emphasized that in his view the time for missions has not ended but has really just begun.
In der Klosterkirche des Kloster Wiblingen etwa 5 km vom Ortszentrum von Ulm entfernt hatte der oberschwäbsiche Rokokobildhauer und Altar- und Kanzelbauer Fidel Sporer (1731–1811) um 1780 eine grandiose Idee. Genau gegenüber der wunderschönen Kanzel […]