Asia Bibi is a “classic case of political asylum”
New Yearbooks ‘Religionsfreiheit 2018’ and ‘Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2018’ presented
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
New Yearbooks ‘Religionsfreiheit 2018’ and ‘Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2018’ presented
Thanks to the German Bishops’ Conference and the Protestant Church in Germany for the symposium “Conversion to Christianity in the Context of Asylum Procedure”
Whoever was thinking, that the claims of converts from Islam to Christianity of being threatened, whether it be by relatives and by fellow countrymen, or by their home countries are overstated or ostensible, has now once more received evidence, that this is a matter of bitter reality.
Till Stoldt hat mich in seinem ausgezeichnet recherchierten Artikel „Vor allem diese Flüchtlinge werden Christen“ über die Taufen von Asylsuchenden in deutschen Kirchen mehrfach kurz interviewt.