The Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion (KMDD)
ARTICLE A discussion following my lecture on ethics training at the Academy for Communication of the Bundeswehr prompted me to take a more fundamental look at the subject.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE A discussion following my lecture on ethics training at the Academy for Communication of the Bundeswehr prompted me to take a more fundamental look at the subject.
SPEECH by Thomas Schirrmacher on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance
ARTICLE Ten constructive-critical proposals for current positions and pathway determinations of the Protestant regional churches
ARTICLE The right to religious freedom is one of the identifying concepts for the European Union and Europe at large.
ARTICLE The Understanding of Revelation and Inspiration in Christianity and Islam
ARTICLE In the evangelical world we find a multitude of end-times models, which can be roughly assigned to different schools and which we will discuss here.
ARTICLE For me, John Stott is a role model for all evangelical theologians. He was an impressive master of complementarity.