Abortion – Euthanasia – Gen Technology

Cover Lebensrecht für jeden Menschen / The Right to Life for every PersonThe right to life of people at the beginning and end of life is increasingly endangered throughout Europe. The volume contains the lectures and discussion contributions of politicians, ethicists, lawyers and doctors, as well as the proposals for closer cooperation of about 100 life rights groups from Lithuania to Spain, which for the first time in history came together for an exciting assessment of current conflicts between ethics and science.


  • Thomas Schirrmacher, Walter Schrader, Hartmut Steeb (Hg.). The Right to Life for Every Person: Abortion – Euthanasia – Gen Technology / Lebensrecht für jeden Menschen: Abtreibung – Euthanasie – Gentechnik. VKW: Bonn, 2000. ISBN: 978-3-926105-98-1. 402 S.


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