Schirrmacher and Böhning visited Ukrainian refugees
Thomas Schirrmacher and Matthias Böhning visited Ukrainian refugee centers of ISHR, “Our House” and Caritas in Vilnius
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Thomas Schirrmacher and Matthias Böhning visited Ukrainian refugee centers of ISHR, “Our House” and Caritas in Vilnius
Prof. Dr. Alexandru Neagoe invited Thomas Schirrmacher to lecture three hours on the influence of world religions on society.
The Union of Victims’ Associations of Communist Tyranny e.V. (UOKG), the Human Rights Center Cottbus (MRZ), the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM) and the Memorial Foundation Victims of Communism (VIC) organized a tribunal on “Forced Labor in Political Prison in the GDR”.
After 30 years of membership in the International Council, Maja Caspari, Chairperson of the Romania Section, left us in March 2020 at the age of 88 after a long illness.
Ein Jahr nach dem 100. Gedenktag an den Beginn der Endphase des Genozids an Griechen im Pontosgebiet und Kleinasien hat der Präsident des Internationalen Rates der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte, Thomas Schirrmacher, die Anerkennung des Genozids an den Pontosgriechen durch Bundestag und Bundesregierung angemahnt.
The President of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), Thomas Schirrmacher, visited the Memorial Hall for the victims of the Massacre of the Japanese invaders 1937/1938 in Nanjing (China).
In a double guest lecture at PTS College & Advanced Studies in Dasmarinas City, Philippines, the representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance responsible for Islam and for Theological Education, Christine and Thomas Schirrmacher, together with the college management discussed the question of how the subject of Islam could be taken into greater account in the curriculum.