• Hand drawn ethnological maps of Indonesia from 1981

    Hand drawn ethnological maps of Indonesia from 1981

    My interest in the thousands of peoples (and languages) of this world is unbroken. During the preparation of the hearing of the German federal parliament I found these hand-drawn maps of the peoples and religions of Indonesia after my stay there in 1981.

  • Foto: Schirrmacher in Ecuador

    The human rights of threatened people

    As President of the ISHR I have been invited to testify on November 28, 2018 in the Human Rights Council of the German Federal Parliament („Deutscher Bundestag“) on „Threatened People“ on November 28, 2018. Having studied ethnology/cultural anthropology among other subjects, this is a topic that has accompanied me all my life.

  • Prof. Dr. Maria Susana Cipolletti

    Prof. Dr. Maria Susana Cipolletti

    Ich habe in Bonn Ethnologie studiert, als das Fach dort noch sehr breit aufgestellt war und sich nicht, wie inzwischen, völlig auf die Altamerikanistik, insbesondere die Inka konzentrierte. Prägend war für mich die argentinische Kulturanthropologin […]