Christian-Islamic dialogue in eight Emirates
The two scholars of world religions of WEA responsible for the relations with the leaders of other religions visited mosques in Kuwait and the seven Emirates of the UAE.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The two scholars of world religions of WEA responsible for the relations with the leaders of other religions visited mosques in Kuwait and the seven Emirates of the UAE.
The Associate Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Thomas Schirrmacher, and the WEA’s specialist in questions relating to Islam, Christine Schirrmacher, have visited the Grand Mufti of Lahore, Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad. There are up to 100,000 people who pray on Fridays in the Badschahi Mosque under his purview.
Sind Christen aus dem Orient unwichtiger als Muslime aus dem Orient? Persönliche Erfahrungen Es ist schon ein merkwürdiges Phänomen in Deutschland, dass ‚Staat‘ und ‚Kirche‘ (ich meine hier die in der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland/EKD […]