Evangelical – Roman Catholic Dialogue
The official documents of the dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Evangelical Alliance
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The official documents of the dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Evangelical Alliance
In 2021, retired Anglican Bishop Michael J. Nazir-Ali affiliated with the Catholic Church. He joined the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.
These comments were written during Pope Benedict XVI’s term in office, prior to his resignation. References that were current at the time have not been changed.
Der neueste Band des Jahrbuchs des Martin Bucer Seminars greift ein ‚heißes Eisen‘ der Theologie auf. Es geht um die trinitätstheologische Frage, von wem der Heilige Geist ausgeht. Abendländische Theologen haben das (zumindest seit Augustinus) […]
This is a comment on the second encyclica by Pope Benedict XVI. I praise it for its exegetical approach and every Protestant will love it except for the last two paragraphs.
Zu meinem Vortrag ‚Sola Gratia’ auf den ‚Internationalen Studientagen’ des Arche Studienzentrums in Hamburg unter dem Gesamtthema „Die ‚Sola’ der Reformation“ schrieb Thomas Josiger in einem Presseartikel: ...