Thomas Paul’s week – No. 29 (2023)
In this video, Thomas Paul attends the 75. birthday of the World Council of Churches in Geneva and speaks about the Reformed Tradition.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
In this video, Thomas Paul attends the 75. birthday of the World Council of Churches in Geneva and speaks about the Reformed Tradition.
For this reason, we are repeatedly asked by Christians tending to associate the term predestination with undesirable developments to explain where the Martin Bucer Seminar stands on the doctrine of predestination. Here is our response.
Thomas Schirrmacher. Calvin and World Mission. Culture and Science Publ. Bonn 2010. 210 pp. ISBN: 978-3-938116-84-5.
A collection of essays published under edition afem upon the anniversary of Calvin’s Birth (Bonn, 23.12.2009) Calvin not only had the global proclamation of the message of God’s grace in view. He also sent the […]
Natürlich durfte mein Beitrag zum 500. Geburtstag Calvins nicht fehlen. Vor allem war da die von mir herausgegebene deutsche Neuausgabe der 1. Auflage seines Hauptwerkes ‚Institutio’ unter dem Titel „Christliche Glaubenslehre“. Aus Anlass von deren […]