Benedict’s Jesus Trilogy and Historical Critical Theology
These comments were written during Pope Benedict XVI’s term in office, prior to his resignation. References that were current at the time have not been changed.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
These comments were written during Pope Benedict XVI’s term in office, prior to his resignation. References that were current at the time have not been changed.
Even though I was very busy and only found time to open my copy in the evening, I had to read ‘From Jerusalem to Timbuktu: A World Tour of the Spread of Christianity’ in one go! I finished tired, but filled with joy.
The Chairman of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, during an address in Osnabrueck entitled “Christ Alone” and held upon the anniversary of the Reformation, has defended the thesis that the age of global dialog where religions are made out to be the same is coming to an end.
Dear fellow Christians, virtually all more than 2 billion Christians are against burning Qurans, bit some individuals feel called by God to do so. Please pray that they do not succeed and speak out against […]
Überarbeitet aus Thomas Schirrmacher. „Lexikon des Christentums“ usw., S. 8-267 in: Thomas Schirrmacher, Christine Schirrmacher u. a. Harenberg Lexikon der Religionen. Düsseldorf: Harenberg Verlag, 2002. Paulus Mit dem Apostel Paulus trat eine Persönlichkeit auf, die […]
Überarbeitet aus Thomas Schirrmacher. „Lexikon des Christentums“ usw., S. 8-267 in: Thomas Schirrmacher, Christine Schirrmacher u. a. Harenberg Lexikon der Religionen. Düsseldorf: Harenberg Verlag, 2002. Glaube an den Stifter Das Christentum unterscheidet sich von allen […]
Aus meinem Buch „Christenverfolgung geht uns alle an“, das es lange nur als Din A4-Heft gab, seit 2011 aber auch als Buch, siehe hier. These: Verfolgung führt jedoch nicht automatisch zu Gemeindewachstum oder zur Reinigung […]