The Martin Bucer Seminary celebrates its anniversary “25+1”
The Martin Bucer Seminar (MBS) celebrated its anniversary “25 plus 1” with Dr. Roland Werner and Alexander Schick in Bonn on June 11, 2022.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The Martin Bucer Seminar (MBS) celebrated its anniversary “25 plus 1” with Dr. Roland Werner and Alexander Schick in Bonn on June 11, 2022.
On Tuesday, April 26, 2022, the EEA issued a public statement of support for the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.
Since September 1st 2018, Rev. Dr. Frank Hinkelmann serves as the new President of Martin Bucer Theological School and Research Institute (MBS) active in a dozen of countries.
The international leadership committee of the Martin Bucer Seminary, in which representatives from all national branches collaborate, has selected Dr. Frank Hinkelmann to be the Vice President of Martin Bucer Seminary and, thus, the deputy to the seminary’s President.
A new book by Frank Hinkelmann introduces the development of the emergence of the Evangelical movement in its historical and theological perspectives and depicts in the later chapters the various developments in Germany, Austria, and German-speaking Switzerland. For the first time, the author also presents an analysis of the public reception of the Evangelical movement, whereby the focus is on the leading daily and weekly newspapers as well as political magazines in all three countries. A final chapter offers a definition of the term ‘evangelikal’ within a theological perspective.
Der für Ökumene zuständige stellvertretende Generalsekretär der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz, Thomas Schirrmacher, hat am Rande des Treffens der Generalsekretäre der meisten Konfessionen in Rom begrüßt, dass die evangelikale Theologie immer bessere Konfessionskundler hervorbringe und der bisweilen vorschnellen Verurteilung das gründliche Studium, konkrete Kennenlernen und fair Darstellen anderer Konfessionen immer mehr die Regel werde.