Schirrmacher and Böhning visited Ukrainian refugees
Thomas Schirrmacher and Matthias Böhning visited Ukrainian refugee centers of ISHR, “Our House” and Caritas in Vilnius
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Thomas Schirrmacher and Matthias Böhning visited Ukrainian refugee centers of ISHR, “Our House” and Caritas in Vilnius
Whoever was thinking, that the claims of converts from Islam to Christianity of being threatened, whether it be by relatives and by fellow countrymen, or by their home countries are overstated or ostensible, has now once more received evidence, that this is a matter of bitter reality.
The Institute on Religion & Democracy, Providence Magazine & the Hanns Seidel Foundation co-hosted a discussion with scholar Thomas Schirrmacher about Christian Democratic parties in Europe and German-American collaboration on international religious freedom.
The President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights, Thomas Schirrmacher, gave a plenary lecture to the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Württemberg in Heilbronn on the topic “Human Rights in the One World.” Schirrmacher had been proposed and invited by representatives of the 'Open Church' discussion group (comparable to parliamentary groups or factions).
Von Thomas Schirrmacher, Direktor des Internationalen Instituts für Religionsfreiheit Zu: Stellungnahme des Vorsitzenden der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, Kardinal Reinhard Marx, und des Vorsitzenden des Rates der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland, Landesbischof Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, zur Situation […]
The Bonn based human rights activist, Thomas Schirrmacher, received this year’s “International Pro Fide Award” from the Finish organization “Friends of the Martyrs,” for his ongoing international efforts on behalf of persecuted Christians and followers of other religions. The award money will be used on behalf of Iraqi refugees.