WEA Secretary General Schirrmacher resigns due to health
The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) announced the resignation of its Secretary General Dr. Thomas Paul Schirrmacher as of March 31, 2024, for health reasons.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) announced the resignation of its Secretary General Dr. Thomas Paul Schirrmacher as of March 31, 2024, for health reasons.
ARTICLE The Evangelical Faith of Queen Elizabeth II and Her friendship with Her Chaplain John Stott and with Billy Graham: A small documentation
ARTICLE For me, John Stott is a role model for all evangelical theologians. He was an impressive master of complementarity.
WRF members Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas Johnson discuss “Collaboration without Compromise”
A new book by Frank Hinkelmann introduces the development of the emergence of the Evangelical movement in its historical and theological perspectives and depicts in the later chapters the various developments in Germany, Austria, and German-speaking Switzerland. For the first time, the author also presents an analysis of the public reception of the Evangelical movement, whereby the focus is on the leading daily and weekly newspapers as well as political magazines in all three countries. A final chapter offers a definition of the term ‘evangelikal’ within a theological perspective.
Read at the inauguration March 15, 2017 in Schwäbisch-Gmünd in the south of Germany
Osterempfang 2014 zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum der August-Hermann-Francke-Schulen in Lippe Pressemeldung der August-Hermann-Francke-Schulen in Lippe (Bonn, 16.04.2014) „So wie die christliche Schulbewegung August Hermann Franckes im 18. Jahrhundert langfristig das staatliche Schulsystem mit Realschule und dualer […]