Cross of Communio Messianica and my bishop’s cross
The American artist of Slovak descent Lisa Mikler has created both the cross of our church Communio Messianica and my bishop’s cross.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The American artist of Slovak descent Lisa Mikler has created both the cross of our church Communio Messianica and my bishop’s cross.
I am repeatedly asked about my consecration as a bishop. For those interested from a canonical and historical point of view, here are the details.
Sind Christen aus dem Orient unwichtiger als Muslime aus dem Orient? Persönliche Erfahrungen Es ist schon ein merkwürdiges Phänomen in Deutschland, dass ‚Staat‘ und ‚Kirche‘ (ich meine hier die in der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland/EKD […]