Remains of the Warsaw Ghetto
I have visited the remains of the Warsaw Ghetto and Jewish life in Warsaw before 1939 on several occasions, and here I show some photos from my large collection.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
I have visited the remains of the Warsaw Ghetto and Jewish life in Warsaw before 1939 on several occasions, and here I show some photos from my large collection.
REVIEW on Authority Not Majority: The Life and Times of Friedrich Julius Stahl by Ruben Alvarado
The lack of a critical publication of the final documents regarding one of the most important historical events concerning Reformed churches, namely the Synod of Dordt, has been one of the puzzles of church history research. The sources found in numerous European archives have never been used, nor have they been made accessible to the general public.
ARTICLE I just received an English translation of my article on mission statistics from 2007, eleven years ago.
As a contribution to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Culture and Science Publishing (Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft) is making the book by Johannes Kritzl on Luther’s assessment of the Turkish wars available for download free of charge.
Der für Ökumene zuständige stellvertretende Generalsekretär der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz, Thomas Schirrmacher, hat am Rande des Treffens der Generalsekretäre der meisten Konfessionen in Rom begrüßt, dass die evangelikale Theologie immer bessere Konfessionskundler hervorbringe und der bisweilen vorschnellen Verurteilung das gründliche Studium, konkrete Kennenlernen und fair Darstellen anderer Konfessionen immer mehr die Regel werde.