Discrimination, Persecution, Martyrdom
The Global Christian Forum. Discrimination, Persecution, Martyrdom: Following Christ Together: Report of the international consultation Tirana, 2–4.11.2015.
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The Global Christian Forum. Discrimination, Persecution, Martyrdom: Following Christ Together: Report of the international consultation Tirana, 2–4.11.2015.
“Whoever claims that grace cancels free will does not understand that he does not cement the will but lets it be drift without resistance.” (Augustine)
Als Beleg dafür, dass ein Evangelikaler einen Abtreibungsarzt erschossen habe, wird auf Paul Hill vorwiesen. Noch in meinem Gutachten schrieb ich 2008 dazu: „Paul Hill, der im Juli 1994 einen Arzt und seinen Leibwächter vor […]
Eine schöne PDF-Version meines Beitrags vom 14.5.2016 kann hier heruntergeladen werden: „Freude der Liebe“ Außerdem wirft meinn im September erscheinendes Buch „Kaffeepausen mit dem Papst“ seine Schatten voraus, ein erstes Interview erschien bei jesus.de.
The Prime Minister (equivalent to a U.S. governor) of the German state of Thüringen, Bodo Ramelow of the Left Party, made the following statement on a television program about Islamist violence: “In America there are […]
Schirrmacher asks the Pope for institutional Support in Efforts against Discrimination and the Persecution of Christians (Bonn, October 19, 2015) Upon the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Vatican Synod, the World Evangelical Alliance’s representative […]
At the moment, Among the cheapest and most promising ways to defame those who think differently is to throw them into the same pot as ISIS and Islamist terrorism. While it has almost become normal […]