• Racism is false and evil – Interview

    When my book Rassismus (Racism) was published, I gave the following interview. An English translation of the book will be published in 2011. Is a new book against racism necessary? First of all, racism is […]

  • Liebe Freunde des Martin Bucer Seminars

    Wenn ich als Rektor des Martin Bucer Seminars die Pressemeldungen ‚Bonner Querschnitte‘ (www.bucer.eu/bq.html) von 2010 und die vielen Buchveröffentlichungen aus dem Umfeld des Seminars an mir vorbeiziehen lasse, bin ich erstaunt, was unser Team neben […]

  • Tribute to Mirjam Scarborough (1957-2011)

    The International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) of the World Evangelical Alliance pays tribute to its staff member, Rev. Dr. Mirjam Scarborough, who succumbed to bone marrow cancer on 4 January 2011 at the age […]